164 research outputs found

    Persamaan Empiris Waktu Getar Alami Struktur Pelat Datar Beton Bertulang Berdasarkan Hasil Analisis Vibrasi 3 Dimensi

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    Persamaan empiris waktu getar alami struktur pelat datar beton bertulang berdasarkan hasil analisis vibrasi 3 dimensiEmpirical Formula for Fundamental Period of Flate Plate Reinforced Concrete Structure Based on 3 Dimentional Vibration AnalysisAgus SetiawanJurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik,Universitas Pembangunan Jaya Alamat Korespondensi : BJl. Cendrawasi, Ciputat, Sawah Baru, Tangerangan Selatan, Banten 15413Email : [email protected] of the parameters required in the calculation of seismic base shear on a structure is the fundamental period of the structure. The fundamental period of structure can be obtained through three-dimensional dynamic analysis of the structure. Indonesian Standard Code for Earthquake Resistance Building, SNI 1726-2012, given some empirical equations to calculate the fundamental period ofsome structural system. Some of the given equation can be used for concrete and steel frame structure. However, for the flat plate reinforced concrete structure, sometimes the fundamental period approached as “other structural systems”, which of course can not be shown for accuracy. This study was conducted to obtain an empirical equation that can be used to calculate the fundamental periodof a flat plate structure. The flat plate reinforced concrete structure model being analyzed is vary in total floor number, which varies from 1 to 10 floors, and the width of the building from 20 to 28 meters. From the analysis results obtained relationship between fundamental period, building width and building height in the form Ta = 0,0022(B)\u27”hn1,15, for the un-cracked section. And Ta = 0,0025(B)\u27”hn1,28, for the condition of cracked cross-section, with Tn is fundamental period, B is the width of the building plan, and hn is the height of the building.Keywords : Time Period, Flat Plate, Reinforced ConcreteAbstrakSalah satu parameter yang diperlukan dalam perhitungan gaya geser dasar seismik pada suatu struktur adalah besarnya waktu getar alami dari struktur tersebut. Nilai waktu getar alami struktur dapat diperoleh melalui hasil analisis dinamik 3 dimensi dari struktur tersebut. Namun dalam Standar Perencanaan Ketahanan Gempa SNI 1726-2012, juga diberikan beberapa persamaan empiris untuk menghitung waktu getar alami struktur. Beberapa persamaan yang diberikan dapat digunakan untuk sistem struktur rangka beton dan baja. Namun untuk sistem struktur berupa pelat datar (flat plate) beton bertulang, terkadang nilai waktu getarnya didekati sebagai “sistem struktur lainnya”, yang tentu saja tidak dapat ditunjukkan keakuratannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan persamaan empiris yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung waktu getar alami suatu struktur pelat datar. Model yang dianalisis berupa struktur pelat datar beton bertulang, dengan jumlah lantai bervariasi dari 1 hingga 10 lantai, serta lebar bangunan dari 20 hingga 28 meter. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh hubungan waktu getar alami dengan lebar bangunan dan tinggi bangunan dalam bentuk Ta = 0,0022(B)\u27”hn1,15, untuk kondisi penampang utuh. Serta Ta = 0,0025(B)\u27”hn1,28, untuk kondisi penampang retak, dengan Tn adalah waktu getar alami, B adalah lebar denah bangunan, serta hn adalah tinggi bangunan

    Analisis Sistem Informasi Orang Tua Wali Mahasiswa Berbasis Website Studi Kasus Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

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    - Information technology was used in the world of education, needs to be done to eliminate the problem of distance, time, and place in the delivery of information. This study aims to identify and analyze the parents information system of the students based websites. The parents information system of the students is expected to provide accurate and reliable information for parents who had entrusted his son to the University of Muhammadiyah Magelang to go through the process of high-level formal education as a student. Parents are guardians of students in need of information on the progress of their children at any time in accordance with academic activities, even in relation to finance for regular payments each semester. The results of this research is a design model of parents information system of the students with integrated with KRS online system that is already running

    Perakitan Varietas Unggul Anggrek Tanah (Spathoglottis Bintang Segunung) Double Haploid dengan Kultur Ovarium

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    A rapid and efficient micropropagation method was esthablished for produced cloning of Orchid Hybrid Spathoglottis Bintang Segunung from Indonesia. The aim of this research was to optimize effects of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), cold shock, and 6-Benzylaminopurine (BAP) to plantlet regeneration from ovarium culture and analyse the ploidy using flow cytometry. Ovarium explants from shut flower stalk were cultured on Vacin and Went (VW) medium supplemented with 2,4-D at 5 concentrations (0.01-1 ppm) and cold shock treatment after cultured at 3 variations 10oC (0, 2, and 4 h) and then incubate the explants in room with 24 photoperiodization (±25oC). After 10 days, while ovarium explants were subcultured on VW supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurin (BAP) (2.5 ppm) for 2 weeks. Further, ovarium explants were subcultured again on VW medium with filtered coconut water (150 ml/L). Regeneration of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) and subsequent plantlet development were observed from on VW+ 1 ppm 2,4-D (Sig= 2%)+ 4h cold shock 10oC (Sig= 2%) dan 2,5 ppm BAP. The optimized procedure required about 2 months from cultured of the ovarium explant to plantlet formation. The peak from the histogram of flow cytometry showed that ovarium cultured of S. Bintang Segunung (CV= 4,35%) and leave of S. Bintang Segunung (CV= 5,19%) were the same triploid. The protocol of this experiment could produce the uniform plantlets and expected to initiate the regeneration of ovul cell which need more studying for the medium optimation

    Handling Standard Operating Procedure Export Document Ocean Freight

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    PT Schenker Petrolog Utama is one of the most prominent companies in Indonesia that handle service in domestic cargo delivery. In analyzing the problems in handling Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) especially for export documents, the author uses a tree analysis consisting of problem tree, target tree, and alternative tree. The first analysis is done in the process of handling export documents. After that, analysis on the root of problem in handling export documents by using questionnaires—it successfully identifies four problems: lack of human resources, poor communication among the employees in handling export documents, computer network system which is in problem, and slow response from the customer to confirm the export documents. Subsequently, analysis on the solutions or alternative actions for those problems in handling export documents
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